In the news: AHS physicians offer free health screenings to Oakland’s oldest Black motorcycle club

Kim Cloud thought he was going in for a quick routine checkup a few years ago. Instead, they found prostate cancer. "I'm cancer-free because I caught it in time," said Cloud, who is vice president of the 太阳城博彩 Bay Dragons, the West Coast's oldest Black motorcycle club. It's just one of many reasons Cloud [...]

NPR Produces a Three-Part Series Exploring Beloved Birth Black Centering

A new three-part series from National Public Radio (NPR) explores how Beloved Birth Black Centering is empowering Black women to redefine perinatal care and implementing evidence-based strategies to eliminate racism-based disparities in Black birth experiences. Part one features Beloved Birth Black Centering Program Director Jyesha Wren, who shares data about the program’s success and why [...]